test environment

Course Evaluations (LVE/ILE)

There is no regular LVE in Fall Semester 23 and Spring Semester 24. An ILE can be conducted if desired. Beginning in Fall Semester 24, the LVE questionnaire will be revised and streamlined.


Course Evaluations (LVE) are online surveys of students about the courses they have attended. Course Evaluations are mandatory and must be conducted every two years. Individual Course Evaluations (ILE) are voluntary for instructors.


Students can give the instructors feedback on their teaching, express their problems and needs and, if necessary, suggest measures to improve the quality of teaching. The results of the LVE contribute to the further strategic development of teaching.

Frequency / Timeline

Course Evaluations (LVE) are conducted at each faculty every two years for an entire academic year. They take place during the last weeks of the lecture period. Instructors may request Individual Course Evaluations (ILE) in the semesters in which no LVE is conducted at their faculty.

Stakeholder groups involved

  • Students complete the questionnaires for their courses and have the opportunity to submit constructive suggestions for optimizing the respective course via the open comment section. Instructors share the results of the evaluation with the students in an appropriate form (usually in one of the last courses of the semester). LVE results may also be used for Quality Meetings.
  • Instructors may customize their evaluations (e.g., survey period, additional questions), receive result reports on their own LVEs and discuss the results with their students.
  • Study program directors receive detailed and aggregated LVE result reports. In contrast, ILE results are exclusively for the evaluated instructors.
  • Executive Boards of the faculties receive aggregated, strategically usable result reports as well as access to the KPIs in the interactive Quality Index Education & Teaching (QSL).