test environment

Quality Management Education & Teaching (QMSL)

The UZH has a comprehensive quality management for education and teaching, which actively involves all interest groups, in particular the students, and ensures closed quality cycles (target and measure reference).

May we introduce the Quality Management Education & Teaching (QMSL) in a short video:

Brief Description QMSL (PDF, 100 kB)
Data Protection Statement QMSL (in German) (PDF, 230 KB)

Your participation in teaching evaluations is very valuable to the study program directors and deans of studies.
Here you will find a short video about teaching evaluations and the use of the obtained data:

In order for your feedback to be successful, please keep the following in mind:

  • For teaching evaluations to be meaningful, it is important that as many students as possible participate. Please participate regularly in teaching evaluations.
  • Respond sincerely.
  • Open comments contain valuable information for teaching staff/instructors that can be helpful in further developing teaching. If possible, give concrete examples and suggestions for improvement and also describe what you have experienced as particularly positive. This makes your feedback comprehensible
  • Be aware that the instructors receive your comments unfiltered. Therefore, pay attention to constructive remarks and refrain from comments that are personally or dishonorably insulting.

Get involved!

  • Do you have feedback on a course/module but there is no evaluation?
    Contact us at lve@le.uzh.ch.
  • Interested in getting involved in teaching development even more?
    In this short presentation (in German) you will find important information about the possibilities of student involvement in the Quality Management process: Participation (PDF, 1.2 MB)
  • If you have any questions, write to us at qmsl@le.uzh.ch.